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Wellbeing Digital Biomarkers

A.I. Driven Wellbeing Innovations


 Digital Biomarkers with A.I. driven solutions

We believe that we must break a typical way of using A.I. and perception towards it. A.I. and Digital Biomarker creates the next generation of Health Innovation

And, we are on our way to boosting the market domination to be No.1 in Thailand in the digital biomarker solution for large to small health businesses


About Invitrace


Our Vision

Startup with the aim to change the world for the better, We bridge the gap between advanced technology and human experience...

Our Company

Invitrace is an A.I. based health-tech unit

under the Inviter group.

Our ambitious project is to build

A.I.-led health services for the Thai

and international market.

Our Engine

Our innovation are all empowered by

our own tech engine called 'Wellbeing Intelligence' Interactive Engines


Our Innovation

Senior Woman

A.I. Detecting Cancer

The World 1st Self-Screening

of cancer developed from
NICE guideline in Thailand and UK

(more than 3,000 patients)

At the Office

A.I. Healthy Workplace

Revolutionize employees care

with advanced and health-monitoring

platform to prevent & precise your employees' and employers.

Woman & Doctor

iTele Virtual Hospital

Organization Health Improvement
with quality of Life and activity monitoring
included human resource
and executive dashboards


Business partnership

Invitrace and partners work for a wide range of International & Thai clients from 

Government officials to large companies, helping them innovate and connect with people



Invitrace Leaderships

Commitment is an action

“At Invitrace, we are committed to innovating
accessibility & affordability of healthcare.

Apiwat, CEO


Invitrace News and Updates

Join Invitrace and start growing together

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