Udonthani cancer hospital transform to hospital innovation with first telemedicine station develop
Invitrace Develops Telemedicine System for Udon Thani Cancer Hospital First place for Telemedicine Station of Udon Thani Cancer Hospital...
Udonthani cancer hospital transform to hospital innovation with first telemedicine station develop
Invitace collaborated with the Department of Medical Services under ministry of health Thailand.
Invitrace works with local health networks to start a pilot-project as A.I. in grassroots NCDs.
Invitrace supported world leading health company Roche to deliver A.I. cancer screening tools.
Invitrace has announced the leading position in A.I. Digital Biomarker company in 2021.
Invitrace X DPHI
Invitrace has driven HIS integrative virtual hospital for Phyathai and Paolo hospitals.